Hey there, and thanks for stopping by. This is the first blog post on this website. If you’d like to learn a little bit more about how I am and what I do, the about section of this website will inform you all about me.
For the most part, I’m going to be using this blog to log all things programming that I do in my third year of college and maybe some other articles if I feel like it. As stated, I am in third year of college and as such, life is starting to get crazy. Throughout the whole school year, I and some other people will be working on a project that we must present at the end as it counts towards our final grade.
This website is powered by Github Pages and Jekyll, so this is my first time using either so this will be a learning experience. So far, I haven’t done a whole lot around there except take this theme and adapt it to work with Jekyll. I still need to change some of the default images on this template…
This is only a short introduction about myself, so I don’t need to put much else here, until next time…
– Jamie